segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015


My writings

Japan Trip

I travelled to Japan twice, in 2005 and 2009. It was in an important moments of my life and the trip have provoked a high increase in my faith. Mainly, was a long and deep trip into myself.

I have been trying during all my life discover the essence of life, the ultimate goal of life. And, in consequence, I am really interested in everything related with philosophy, poem, neuroscience, religion, and in first of all, on the Daisaku Ikeda buddhist philosophy of life. He has been my mentor in life since I was 10. Additionally, I am linked with Soka Gakkai since 1984 and I have been working on Brasil Seikyo newspaper during the last eight year.

My first trip was important because for the first time I went abroad. It was a enormous challenge.

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