quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2016

002 AC

[002 - Apprentice's Cronichle]

My impresions about Rome.

Rome is eternal. Each piece of each street echoes voices from history. Each step taken is a link with past. There's a feeling that other thousand people during thousand years have followed our footprints at least once.

Rome got over wars, problems, and a sort of difficulties during his history. It's amazing. Put hands on their walls conect us with thousand winner warrior hands that certainly have fought blood wars.

The Eternal City is impressive. Nowadays the city looks like a ghost city with strongly and vibrantly soul. The best word for this place is paradoxal.

Giotto di Bondoni had hit the nail on the head about Rome: "Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions and the city of yearning".

001 AC

[001 - Apprentice's Cronichle]

I need to speak fluently in english. That's my priority. The time is catching up with me; time is short. Time is at a premium, Mr Alesse.

My strategy? First and foremost, the Lotus Sutra. Time is breakable and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo increase seconds in my minutes. Under this premise, I will fix up daily meetings with my Scientific Articles, Academic Articles, Books and Workbooks.

My start point this week is: The more time I study, the more confidence I gain.